Ramblings is **not** a wiki. Ramblings compiles the interpretation of the world from //my// personal, biased perspective. It is not a scientific publication, it does not want to compete with scholar literature. It wants to compile and present my personal perspective. Without having set absolutely clear guidelines, the setup of this [[:Ramblings:start|Dokuwiki]] do tend to make me gravitate towards an encyclopedic style, complete with formal definitions and ledes, even though they do not belong here. Think of Ramblings as a slightly more formal personal blog on a vast array of different topics.
This means that after giving a quick synopsis of the scope of any given page, I will immediately "[[Narcissism|make it about myself]]", start writing about my own points of contact with that topic. That's the premise of this "wiki". It's //not// an encyclopedia, it is a collection of essays about //my// personal thoughts on whatever topics I come across.
So, please do not be confused when I sometimes conflate an encyclopedic tone into a page and then immediately jump to what little I can see on my own horizon. I use Ramblings to write about the things that //I// find interesting about any given topic.