Here is a full list of pages that have been //linked// to but do not exist yet. Please create links to topics that are relevant, because they will then appear here and can be written at a later point. It's like writing a note 'Hey, here is this interesting topic you need/want to write about!' ~~ORPHANSWANTED:wanted~~ NOTES: [[:Sex]] [[:Meaning of Life Discussion]] [[:Emergence]] - Conway's game of life Fun/Jokes - Elitarianism where it seems like people (especially younger people) always act like they are in some kind of competition to be the funniest and always passive-aggressively attack others for their "poor" jokes while praising others. It seems like people don't really objectively "judge" jokes and instead are amused when they want to be. YouTubers playing together aren't that funny if you really dissect it, they just laugh at things a lot and if you're predisposed to the YouTubers then you will be entertained (it's like the laugh track in sitcoms, except the people laughing are people you know, and they at least give you a good excuse to laugh), laugh at jokes from their friends and even will laugh "for" (!) their loved ones even if the jokes were horrendous. On the other hand, they will reject otherwise good jokes if they don't feel like they want to be entertained (or at least so it seems). [[:pornography]] - Taboo, pedophilia pron [[:Incest]] - Parent/Child might create power dynamics? [[:Penology]] - How it works with Utilitarianism, why we should still punish people despite it technically hurting people [[:Vigilantism]] - Reasons against (Seperation of power, ie. Judge-Jury-Executioner and that it is susceptible to absue (misguided moral compass, external influences); Bad people doing things and then calling it "vigilantism"; How governments would never approve of vigilantism for these reasons) and Reasons for (Insufficient justice system; bad justice system (ie. not prosecuting certain crimes because of flawed ideology); people's own moral compass (though this is a bad argument)) Online Statuses and Read Receipts Gender - Make a "gender binary" section but write it entirely in 010101001 binary. I assume that everyone wants the best world there possibly can be [[:Car]] - Favorite Car, Bull Bar, Cars in society and the industry [[:Christianity]] [[:Parent's Jewel]] [[:International Court of Justice]] [[:Gendering]] "Don't we have better problems?" = "The problem is too insignificant to deserve attention" to which I would respond "If you feel so". Apparently there are quite a few people who care about it, and language is one of the many ways in which oppressive gender roles are hardcoded into our society. Removing them at the very least cannot and does not hurt. [[:Over-Apologization]] Distraction or virtue signalling method with mostly empty (almost insincere, as in they don't really care about it) apologies I have a hard time believing that they don't realize are unnecessary. Alternatively, an appeasement method (during conflict/stress). [[:Value Judgement]]