**//WOMEN//** (always emphasized, in full caps), according to [[Misogyny|some]], are the end goal of male existence. The man is there to reproduce, and after a //long and hard// day of work He shall be properly rewarded with carnal copulation, provided subserviently by His assigned **//WOMAN//**. Men are vessels of DNA competing for **//domination//** over others and **//WOMEN//** are their vassal to carry out the actual reproduction part of reproduction. Great!
And yes, in an attempt to appear **//MASCULINE//**, [[Misogyny|misogynists]] always have to emphasize masculine words.\\
I don't currently have time nor interest to write much more than this, but let it be said that I like to ridicule this worldview by co-opting this aggressive emphasization of "WOMAN" because I have not even once thought of [[Sex|sex]] or [[meaning_of_life_discussion#Reproduction_and_DNA|reproducing my DNA as the primary goal of my existence]].
Personally, I don't give a fuck. I //know// what a woman is. A woman is what your dad said he felt like when I was railing him last night.
~[[LonerBox]], in [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWSY_Y5fxUA&t=20s|"What Is A Woman?" A Response to Matt Walsh]]