Systems is the best Word I have to describe the way I think and feel. I have a system for everything, thinking, feeling, walking, calculating, arguing, conflict resolution, all these functionalities of me are mainstreamed into system, probably as a way to make them rigid and, by extension through that, predictable, graspable, understandable. I understand the world by trying to understand the systems that govern it.

Many things I say on Ramblings are just an interpretation from my personal, highly structured and systematized way of thinking and understanding. In my brain, I put things in a way they make sense to me, and that usually means that I try to establish patterns, structures and systems with what may appear to some as “rules” that I prescribe, while really they are just an expression of the patterns, ie. “systems” I have recognized. The Claims page, for example, mentions how people can get morally binding claims on things, which is really just a formularized expression of how I think society/people/morality works. It is, in essence, the best conclusion I can draw from the patterns I observe and the knowledge I have gained, leading to pages like Claims or the Statistical Inevitability page. These conclusions are not facts in of themselves (even though I may be portraying them as such), they are hypotheses waiting to be challenged and disproven. I do this myself by making observations and trying to find something that could not be explained by the systems I put forth, expanding, adjusting, changing or completely scrapping and starting anew as needed. Formularizing and writing down these systems is one of the primary reasons for the existence of Ramblings. It's about my understanding of the world, and I write from that perspective.

It is important to note that due to this, I will use very specific words in very specific meanings - even words that already exist out there in the world! For example, I recognized the existence of cognitive biases and learned to correct myself for them long before I was made aware that this concept (I dubbed them “psychological biases” back then.) is actually a real thing. By giving words to concepts, ie. “systems”, I recognized myself I will probably cause a lot of confusion due to using those words incorrectly. It may even happen that a word I use to describe things actually describe something completely different! Remember, the words I use (especially page names!) are the words I grew to associate with thoughts in my head, not official dictionary or scientific definitions for things. I hope to provide useful thoughts to the systems/concepts, not ace a word precision test. To avoid confusion, however, I am always happy for pointers. If what I am talking about already exists and the word I use for it is wrong, do feel free to point it out!

I have a special template that I will place on pages that may are prone to cause confusion because of my twisted terminology. The way I use the words like “Claim” will differ vastly from how scholars use them, so be prepared. These special disclaimers are things I go out of my way to include, but rest assured that, technically, the disclaimer applies to all content all over the wiki. The notice informs the reader about the very different nature of my perspective of certain concepts and encourages them to read this page right here to learn the context from which that page is written.

The content of this page is written from a very specific perspective, based on my highly systematized way of thinking. Please read the full page on Systems.