{{:forfeit.png?nolink&100}} Emotions Check\\ - Procedure - ---- \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ * Breakpoint * Cooperatively establish emotions and how they came about. Explicitly state what one is feeling and why. Take time to think about that, if necessary * Address the causes of the emotions, clear up misunderstandings * Reset emotional framework to align with stated emotions(("Do not disregard stated emotions." If stated emotions are hard to verify, throw [[Red Flag]] and sanity check again after at least 15 minutes.)) * Specifically value neutral, does //not// assign fault \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ---- See also: [[Green Flag|Green Flag]], [[Yellow Flag|Yellow Flag]], [[Emotions Check|Emotions Check]]\\ For flags in [[Formula 1]], see [[Flags (Formula 1)]].