
ULTRACOMFY's personal homepage.

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I am going to kill you if you created the whispers namespace

~ Ced, when hearing I was working on this. As you can see, I’m still here, as is Whispers.

Welcome to Whispers, my personal project! Cedric has been kind enough to lend me1) this area to do my own thing. Everything found here will be written by me2), from my point of view, and is in no way part of the rest of Ramblings.

I hate it

Systematically hate it

~ Ced, when I asked him if he liked Whispers as a name.

The reason I chose “Whispers” is it captures the essence of what I’m doing here. All of the opinions I have, my contact with Ced, all of this is not permitted within my family or religion. It's like whispers in the streets of a tyrannical dictatorship. These whispers represent dissent, a quiet rebellion against the status quo. They also reflect the opinions that I've formed, opinions that I shouldn't have -if my parents had succeeded- had the opportunity to develop.3)

My purpose for whispers is to have a place to write my thoughts and figure things out. It’s commentary, ramblings4)5), random tidbits or even just notes for myself. I’m not imposing any real rules as to what I will and won’t choose to write about here. There are a few naturally forming rules due to my home life, but assume the things I write will generally be a grab bag.

with barely even any coercion!
Unless explicitly stated otherwise
Seth likes the name now that he knows why I chose it
Damn it Leslie
ACTUAL ramblings, not Ced’s portion of this wiki
whispers/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/25 23:18 by piouslittlechristiangirl

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