Table of Contents
Then god seperated the state from the church
Issues of their times
Jehovah's Witlesses
Overton Window
Malcolm X
We're not burning witches anymore, so we are secular
Avoid independent thinking […] questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible organization.
~Watchtower, WTBTS. January 15, 1983. p. 22., recited from RationalWiki
The "rational" people over at RationalWiki have an article on Jehovah's Witnesses.
The content of this page may, by the strict meaning of its words, be inaccurate. I am writing this with the intent to inform, not to distract. Please read the full article on accuracy.
Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christianity-based cult with headquarters in Warwick, New York state. At about 8.5 million members strong, it is one of the most influential cults of the modern day. Conceptually, JWs reject the secular authorities and advise their members to avoid them as much as possible (except when knocking on doors) to form a parallel society1). This cuts off members from being exposed to “worldly” people and their dangerous, dangerous thoughts2). The cult operates largely on indoctrination (as early as possible!), discouraging independent research3) and, most importantly, peer pressure. Ostracization, shunning and spreading rumors are the strongest weapons in one's arsenal, as all it takes is calling someone gay to get them to be considered for “disfellowshipping”. Or talking too much to worldly people. Or surfing on the wrong websites. Or watching porn.
Disfellowshipment is the special weapon of Jehovah's Witnesses. Witnesses born into the cult are trained to not make friends outside of the ranks of witnesses, must not marry wordly people, are cut off from real-world education or any kind of academic degrees/diplomas etc., in short they are raised in such a way so that they depend, physically, psychologically and economically, on JW. Witnesses must not gain any sense of independence so that, once they are disfellowshipped, the victim cannot sustain themselves. Without school degrees or friends in the real world to speak of it becomes virtually impossible to leave. Trying to GET friends or GET a diploma will see you shunned and rejected even before the formal excommunication, as gaining means to escape the cult engaging with worldly people is BAD.
Always nice to be reminded of my place as a woman and a child and that mental illness isn’t real and that I’m a worthless fuck up and all. Medication is for heroine addicts and I deserve to be struck down by Jehovah for considering depression medication. I’m a coke head now. Maybe I wouldn’t be so fat if I had an ounce of discipline. Speaking of which we need to have more discipline around this household, my mom and I are slacking off. Perhaps he should get rid of both of our electronics and beat us for a couple days to remind us WOMEN how to behave.
~They are nice people, though, if you don't ask too many questions.
Inner Workings
Witnesses will, as much as possible, withhold from each other whatever they could use to get out of there. One of the strongest weapons here is education, as school degrees are an extremely strong starting position to work with (financial independence!). Obviously this will vary on the individual, but in general JW are instructed to maximize their time spent focusing on “spiritual stuff”. Children are not sent to school, if possible, and in countries where there are compulsory school laws they will find whatever is the least degree of education that still, from a legal perspective, qualifies as “school”. In the US of A, for example, this could mean virtual school courses by JW for JW, teaching anything but definitely NOT propaganda and indoctrination. If you're lucky and don't get homeschooled then you may be sent to public schools (“the dark, pesky caves of Satan himself!”) but your education efforts will be pro-actively sabotaged by your parents - they may be intentionally lax about actually sending/getting their children to school, may force them to do spiritual stuff all day to stop them from doing homework or learning for tests, cut them off from the internet or learning resources for whatever excuse they can come up with and much, much more - all the way up to the point where, for the child, learning becomes utterly unsustainable. They may be “going to school”, but are intentionally set up for failure by sabotaging whatever their parents can to prevent actual results4). There again, making friends at a public school is strictly frowned upon and will get you shunned by fellow witnesses if discovered.
On that note, the second strongest mechanic that keeps witnesses IN is constant pressure. Witnesses are continuously judged, supervised, monitored and controlled by other witnesses. Not keeping up with latest events and not doing enough spiritual work (like knocking on doors) will see you shunned. Children are continuously kept busy with whatever the parents can come up with to prevent them from even getting a second for themselves to think. They are kept on a continuous cycle of work and exhaustion where they aren't even given the time to sort their thoughts and make conclusions. Children are to be present and in eyeshot of the parents at all times, must never rest, never do anything that isn't related to Big J and must always, always be kept busy.5)
As I already touched upon earlier, “disfellowshipment” - excommunication - is the ultimate control mechanism of witnesses. Being strongly against violence (at least in official proceedings, it is tolerated and actively encouraged6) when done in private), withholding love, attention, support and care is how witnesses squash dissent. Families are instructed to throw their children out of their house and refuse talking to them if they come out as not believing in JW. Obviously this is beyond extremely manipulative, especially when done by parents against their own children, and puts their love and care and attention on a conditional basis: We love you if you love Jehovah - if you don't, we will show you how much we actually love you.
The congregation tries to claim that this is purely some kind of “tough love”, because obviously it is impossible to solve these differences in a healthier way or just to accept them as facts of their life. Not believing in JW deprives you of a spot in heaven7) once Armageddon finally happens (it will happen eventually, we're sure!8)), but instead of letting that be a problem of the affected individual, witnesses will instead make sure that your life beyond this will be as insufferable as they can possibly make it for you (while remaining faithful to the bible, of course - murder isn't in).
Jehovah Hates... A Lot
Essentially being fundamental Christians, are primarily marked by their hatred for things, a list imported directly from the bible, always with a personal spin depending on the specific witness and their biases. In general, however, witnesses hate everything pagan (people, traditions (FUCK YOU CHRISTMAS), whatever), they hate gay people, people not yet part of their cult, people who are part of their cult, equality, women, doors (!!), blood, education, non-nuclear families, everything not yet mentioned on this list and especially everyone they want to hate, they usually will find some bible verse that they can spin around enough until it vaguely supports their hate, all in the name of Big J whom they do their utmost to make happy by hating things so much they get a boner from the excitement. It seems to be that the general concept of JW day to day life is a cycle of self-reinforcing hate cycles balanced with the occasional bit of being a nice person every once in a while to reach the quota. If only someone told them that YHWH hates hate (WTBTS would never tell them, that's one of the most important things to keep a witness busy and distracted).
Ideology conflicts with Reality
1: We respect secular authorities
Witnesses claim that doctrine is to respect secular authorities - provided the governing body biblical teachings agrees with the authorities. It's a euphemism banking on the fact that most people recognize Christianity/The Bible as a message of good and peace and therefore don't think about this too much. The truth is, however, that a words-based, literal reading of the bible disagrees with effectively every single aspect of modern law and society and - unfortunately for the witnesses - since Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult with the Biblical Literalism doctrine, this means they follow they bible not as it means, but as it says and, oh boy, the bible says a lot of things.
There are a lot of specifics to unpack here, but the TL;DR is that witnesses “respect” secular authorities in nothing but conclusion. They will attack every aspect of a secular authority, will call them institutionalizations of Satan (!), they say we will all eventually rise up, turn against witnesses and attempt to eradicate them, they say that we will all die a horrendous death, that we are a disgrace and that our minds are poisoned and that we need them to be saved from eternal damnation (by converting us into their “flock”, they are so nice to us).
Obviously, a cult that respected secular authorities as much as the Bible told them to (by the strict meaning of its words) would be a militant terrorist organization with much fewer adherents than they currently have, so what they do is to cherry pick. Of course they are a biblical literalist cult, but because witnesses all agree that they are all unable to actually interpret the bible correctly, they have the governing body (the WTBTS) who tell them how to interpret what, which passages to ignore, and occasionally drop in with what they call “new light” - insight they take from outside the bible; because obviously nothing is better than a biblical literalist cult that then goes on to agree to disagree with the bible. Those new lights usually tend to be ideas some governing body member pulled out of his ass, presented as a message from god himself9), and then accepted as true and override any and all the bible says. They are usually introduced as damage limitation. For example, once defending flat earth made witlesses look too stupid and lost them too many members, the governing body eventually decided that god told them that what the bible says is actually too vague and that it leaves room for so much interpretation that the world could actually also be near-spherical.