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Then god seperated the state from the church

Issues of their times

Jehovah's Witlesses
Overton Window
Malcolm X

We're not burning witches anymore, so we are secular


People are the Problem is a lesson I have learned over my time as being a human in this world. The big brother of “this is why we can't have nice things”, one will find that most problems in this world are caused by humans in nature. Humans are flawed (and some in particular) and this leads to a lot of problems that 1) aren't necessary to have and 2) make everyone's life worse.

The reason Chat GPT is being more and more trimmed in functionality is because people use it to do stuff they shouldn't do. The reason most software operating systems lock more and more functionality off is to prevent the naive from doing things they will regret, at the cost to those who know what they're doing and now have to jump through hundreds of hoops to still get there. Corruption exists because it's humans making decisions. In fact, most modern day suffering is at the hand of people. Discrimination, wars, starvation, violent crimes, neglect and abuse, THE ECONOMY - it's all human inadequacy. Not that I want to blame anyone, I am inadequate and highly flawed myself and while I may not be contributing through being a moronic Chat GPT user, I contribute to the failure of humanity by writing this website and promoting my dumb, not-worth-your-time ideologies.

people_are_the_problem.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/24 12:09 by ultracomfy

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